Mental Welfare Commission Scotland Guidance April 2007
The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland produces a number of helpful guidance documents;
The current list -
Nutrition by artificial means- a guide for mental health practitioners - new legal and ethical guidance for practitioners considering the use of artificial nutrition for mental disorder.
Consent to treatment - new guidance to help mental health practitioners interpret the legal basis for treatment and to give treatment that is in line with best legal and ethical practice.[2006]
Covert medication - a legal and practical guide - new This guidance responds to cases and research evidence that identifies this is an issue for those using and providing mental health and learning disability services in Scotland. The guidance suggests that there may be situations in which this might be necessary to keep an individual from harm. A Covert medication care pathway and review is provided to support decision making, that is structured and recorded in a way that safeguards that the health, safety and legal rights of the individual. [2006]
Guide to interpreting - new a toolkit for people who need to use interpreters in mental health and learning disability settings. Includes checklists for service providers, service users and interpreters. [2006]
Carers and confidentiality - new good practice guidance on how to balance the principle of carer involvement with the patient's right to confidentiality. [2006]
Rights, risks and limits to freedom (new edition) - guidance updated to take into account the principles of the new mental health act. Includes an appendix of legal considerations by Hilary Patrick. [2006]
Guide to welfare and financial guardianship in care homes - a summary guide for residential care workers with checklist that can be attached to resident's files. [2006]
Safe to Wander - Principles and guidance on good practice in caring for residents with dementia and related disorders where consideration is being given to the use of wandering technologies in care homes and hospitals. [2005]
Information for general hospitals - guidance on treatment of patients with a mental illness, learning disability or other mental disorder in general hospital settings. [2006]
Guidance on the admission of young people to adult mental health wards - guidance on the provision of care and treatment to under 18 year olds when admitted to adult wards. [2005]
When to invoke the Adults with Incapacity Act - updated guidance reflecting recent case law. [2005]
Authorising significant interventions for adults who lack capacity - guidance on the use of the Adults with Incapacity Act by Hilary Patrick. [2004]
Care of older people with mental health problems - a position statement on mixing dementia patients and patients with longer term mental disorder in a single ward. [2004]
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