Scottish Exec launches National Child Protection public information phone line.
The Scottish Executive has launched a 24 hr child protection information line designed to complement Scottish child protection services. The child protection information telephone line runs in tandem with a National Child Protection Website. (Child Protection Line Tel - 0800 022 3222)
The child protection line gives easy access to child protection services and allows people to share concerns about a child with the most appropriate local agency. People who call the confidential child protection line freephone number will speak to a trained operator.
Depending on the nature of the call, the operator may transfer the caller to the most relevant agency, or advise who the caller should speak to next
Scottish Executive Education Minister Hugh Henry said:
"All children deserve the best possible start in life but too many find their young lives blighted by abuse or neglect. For those vulnerable youngsters, it's vital that they get help as soon as possible. That means that we all have a duty to step in if we fear a child is in trouble. We must never assume that the authorities - police, social work or education - are already aware of the situation.
"However, we know there is often confusion about who to call or how to get help. This service will provide a single, nationwide access point, helping all of us to help vulnerable youngsters."
The introduction of the information line follows a pilot in the North-east of Scotland in 2005 and delivers a commitment from the Children's Charter to provide a nationwide, 24-hour child protection information service.
Inspector Peter Reilly, who is also the Grampian Police Child Protection Co-ordinator, said:
"The pilot was extremely effective in raising awareness that it is everyone's job to make sure that children are protected. The lessons learned from the pilot have been invaluable in preparing for the wider national response and the roll out of the national Child Protection Line. The NESCPC welcomes the national launch as a means of reaching a wider audience, further raising awareness and so helping to protect our children and young people."
The Scottish Executive's Child Protection Reform Programme budget will provide the set-up and running costs of the line which will be around £200,000 over three years
The Children's Charter, launched in March 2004, included a commitment by the Scottish Executive that they would 'work with agencies and existing helplines to provide a 24-hour national child protection service'.
The charter was part of the Executive's three-year child protection reform programme - a response to It's Everyone's Job to Make Sure I'm Alright, the child protection audit and review. A MORI poll undertaken as part of this review indicated that people didn't know what to do if they had a concern, how to report it and what might happen if they did.
It will also be supported by a poster campaign - in GP surgeries, community venues and other local outlets - and copies of the poster images are available.
Although the 24-hour information line will operate nationwide from the outset, publicity for the new resource will be rolled out in a phased way, concentrating initially on Midlothian, Highland, Edinburgh and the North-east (covering Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray).
Source:Scottish Executive