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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Submission To Carewatch: UK Social Care Issues

You are welcome to submit articles/ opinion pieces / news / comment on Health and Social Care and related issues to Carewatch: UK Social Care Issues.

Publication is at the sole discretion of the Editor. Where it is proposed that a contribution be edited before publication the edited version will be passed back to the Author before publication for approval. Authors retain copyright.

A word of encouragement to potential contributors:

Registered Social Work / Social Care Staff are increasingly expected to demonstrate their professional development and to contribute to the development of their profession.

While Carewatch: Social care Issues is not a full refereed professional journal it does provides an opportunity for Social Work and Social Care Staff to contribute to the debate on Social Work and Social Care. If you are a professional your contribution is welcome.

Social Care service users / relatives and others.
Contributions by non-professionals interested in Social Work and Social Care are also welcome.
Modern Social Work and Social Care are rightly focussed on listening to the voice of the users of Social Care Services and their carers. We welcome contributions from non-professionals.

How to contribute:

Please e-mail admin @ ournet.tv and make the subject of your e-mail "Carewatch submission".

Please state if you wish to be identified as the author and if so what details you wish published - if any.
You are welcome to make a submission directly or to e-mail to discuss your intended contribution.

Free resources for UK Care Providers

care Providers in the UK wanting to create or expand their web presence can now access a free resource. careprovider.21publish provides free web space for care homes and other care providers in the UK to publish information about their services or to place items of news and pictures about their service. There is no charge for the service which careprovider.21publish says it hopes will aid smaller care providers to expand their web prescence. they also have a compaion site careuser.21publish which can be used by users of care services and their carers and relatives to publish their comments on care services. Anyone wanting to try out these services can follow the links in this article. We think this is a good initiative and has the potential to aid the communication between care providers and their customers.